Can a Saver be Generous?

 Can a Saver be Generous?

Last week we looked at the savers financial personality; some of their strengths and weaknesses. Before moving to a different financial personality, let us pause this week to consider a question recently posted on a video online. ‘Have you ever met a generous saver or are all savers scrooges? One person called Phoebe from Australia posted an interesting response; 

Absolutely. Wealth principle. Save 10%. Give 10% and use the rest wisely. 

10% of nothing is nothing. 10% of whatever you can is a lot to the receiver. Remember the woman with the mite? Scrooges are different. It’s all about themselves and they worship money. Money is a tool, a medium of exchange.’

What are your thoughts? Please join the conversation by visiting our Facebook and Instagram pages. You can simply scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the icons. We would love to hear from you. Then join us next week for more on financial personalities.

