Xmas Club

Xmas Club

In 2017, in response to a request from its members, the Adventist Credit Union set up a Xmas Club (formally called ‘The ACU December Festive Club’). Members of the Xmas Club can make regular deposits into their Xmas Club account specifically for their Xmas spending.

It is free to join the ACU December Festive Club. However, proof of identity and address must be submitted to join.

You can save as little as £1 per week. You can join at any time throughout the year. Savings are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and are therefore safe. A minimum balance of £5 must be maintained in the December Festive Club savings account for the account to remain open.

Funds can be paid into the December Festive Club savings account throughout any given calendar year. However, no withdrawals are allowed from this account from 1 January until 31 October of the same year. From 1 November until 31 December members can access their December Festive Club savings.

Notice of withdrawal of funds must be made by contacting the ACU on 07930 854730 and completing the appropriate withdrawal form (available here).

Lump sum deposits may be made into the December Festive Club savings account at any time. The maximum balance a member can save in this account is £15,000.

Any request to close the account must be made by completing the appropriate closure form (available here). Closing the account between 1 January and 31 October will result in a £10 penalty being charged.

