Personal Loans

Great rates for our members

We offer loans, large and small, up to three times above savings, starting from just 1%

We welcome your application

As an existing member, you can apply for a loan straight away. As a new member, you can apply after six months of membership. Consistent saving greatly increases the chance of your application being approved and may offer lower interest rates.

Why borrow from us?

  • No hidden fees or charges.
  • No early repayment penalties.
  • Interest is calculated on the reduced balance.
  • The loans are charged at 1% of the outstanding loan balance each month.
  • Savings are protected by the FSCS up to £85,000, similar to your high street bank.
  • As a member, you are a shareholder and get the set interest rates.

How much would you like?

Use our loan calculator to get an idea of how much you could borrow and what your repayment terms could look like with a loan from us. The loan calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Loan repayments may differ


**Note: For exceeding 120 no. of payments, a group of 12 payments will be combined into a single payment number for better chart visibility.

Period Payment Interest Balance


Members are encouraged to save regularly for a minimum period if they do not already have a history or regular saving through other savings accounts. Members are allowed to apply for a loan. 

The amount of money you can borrow, and the repayment terms will depend upon the period and value of your savings, the purpose of the loan, the amount requested and the character of the member.

All loans are protected by life assurance with the premiums paid by the Credit Union. This means that your loan is paid off should you die.

Credit Unions do not charge fees or transaction charges. Visit our loan calculator to see how reasonable a Credit Union loan could be.

Since the interest is charged only on the outstanding balance of the loan, you will pay even less if the loan is repaid in a shorter period.